Shipping Policy
Free Shipping
We offer free shipping to all supported locations worldwide. Including USA, Australia, UK and most countries in Europe.
Delivery Time
Most orders are received in 4-6 weeks from order to delivery.
The delivery timeline will vary based on the size of your order and the chosen shipping method to ensure it reaches you promptly.
If your order is not delivered within 90 days, please contact us and we will provide you with compensation or refund.
Can I specify a certain date to be delivered by?
Though we try our best to accommodate deadlines, we cannot guarantee arrivals by a certain date. As soon as the parcel leaves our doors, it is in full discretion with the courier company to deliver your order timely.
We therefore recommend that you allow sufficient time to place your order as early as possible in advance. and arrange for installation after the product has arrived.
What if my order is damaged in shipping?
Please inspect the cartons carefully before signing the delivery receipts. Our products undergo thorough inspection and meticulous packaging before leaving our facility.
If you receive products in a damaged condition apparent, claims for damage must be made against the carrier immediately. Keep all the packing materials and promptly inform the carrier that you require an inspection report to proceed with your claim.
In case the damage is not immediately noticeable and becomes apparent only after unpacking the product, please report any concealed damages immediately. Retain all packing materials and notify the carrier that you need an inspection report to make a claim against them.
Lost, Stolen, and Misdelivered Packages
If there is no signature requirement, Courier or post office will decide if an area is secure to leave a package. If a signature is required, they will try to get a signature from someone at the address or nearby. If they can't get a signature, they may leave a door tag with further instructions. Check your tracking information for details on the latest delivery attempts.
If a package is returned to the sender due to being lost, stolen, or misdelivered, we will provide a re-shipment service. Re-delivery is a paid service, and we will charge shipping costs based on the size and weight of the package.
We Do Not Ship to The Following Countries / Regions:
- Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Georgia, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Nepal, Oman, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen, American Samoa, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Island, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Western Samoa, Albania, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, San Marino, etc.…
- All African Countries.
- All South American Countries.
More questions about delivery, please contact us.